▶ Specifications
Enzyme | Top DNA polymerase |
5' to 3' exonuclease | No |
3' to 5' exonuclease | No |
3' – A overhang | Yes |
Fragment Size | Up to 1 kb |
▶ Experimental data

Figure 1. Single PCR and Multiplex PCR using AccuPower® Gold Multiplex PCR PreMix
Each lane from left to right indicates the single and multiplex PCR products using AccuPower® Gold Multiplex PCR PreMix.
The last lane labeled multi represents all amplicons amplified in a single reaction.
a) 10 plex multiplex PCR
b) 20 plex multiplex PCR M; 25/100 bp Mixed DNA Ladder (cat. No. D-1020, Bioneer)

Figure 2. Comparison of amplification quality, using a Caliper Labchip® 90 system, between AccuPower® Gold Multiplex PCR PreMix and competitor Multiplex PCR kits.
a) Virtual Gel Image. Gel image illustrates data reproducibility of the Caliper LabChip® 90 system.
b) Overlay of expression levels using Bioneer's AccuPower® Gold Multiplex PCR PreMix and competitor multiplex PCR kits. The electropherogram displays the data between 10 PCR product yields using a 10-plex primer set to illustrate amplification efficiency.
c) The graph shows the total concentration of PCR products between AccuPower® Gold Multiplex PCR PreMix and other supplier's master mix.

Figure 3. Comparison of amplification quality between AccuPower® Gold Multiplex PCR PreMix and competitor Multiplex PCR kits.
6-plex (a), 10-plex (b), 20-plex (c) primers were added into AccuPower® Gold Multiplex PCR PreMix and competitor master mix.
A series of human genomic DNA diluents were tested (Lane 1; 100 ng, Lane 2; 10 ng, Lane 3; 1 ng).
All data were obtained using Mygenie 96 machine (Applied Bioneer co.)
Supplier Q : Multiplex PCR master mix
Supplier S : Multiplex PCR master mix
Supplier I : Taq polymerase for Mutiplex PCR (0.5U), added 2 mM MgCl2
M; 25/100 bp Mixed DNA Ladder (cat. No. D-1020, Bioneer)
◈ Manual
• Manual_AccuPower® Gold Multiplex PCR PreMix
• MSDS_AccuPower® Gold Multiplex PCR PreMix
◈ Brochure
• AccuPower® Gold Multiplex PCR PreMix_Flyer
• All about PCR
◈ Quality Assurance
Bioneer is the holder of Quality Management System Certificates for the following standards.
• ISO 9001 - certificate
• ISO 13485 - certificate